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Why choose HGH?


Getting Payroll Right – Outsourcing

Posted: 25th Jun 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

Managing your own payroll can be time consuming and complicated, particularly with the ever-increasing complexity of taxation and employment legislation. There is an increasing burden on businesses to comply with these issues and non-compliance can lead to substantial penalties. In the pursuit of efficiency, accuracy, and compliance, many businesses have turned to outsourcing their payroll… Read more

Preparing for 2023: what’s to come for HR and employment law

Posted: 12th Jan 2023 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

The year 2023 looks set to be an interesting one for the development of individual employment law rights, with a number of Bills currently on their way to become law that will change existing, and provide additional, rights to employees that will help them to better balance their work and personal commitments, which is set… Read more

Breaking Point: 1 in 4 UK SMEs expected to struggle to meet payroll by 2022

Posted: 16th Feb 2022 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

UK findings of the ACCA UK and Corporate Finance Network (The CFN) SME Recovery Tracker: Research reveals continued financial pressure on SMEs and a spike in reports of worsening mental health. More than 1 in 4 (26%) of UK SMEs will struggle to meet rising payroll costs in April due to the incoming health and… Read more

Get prepared: IR35 off-payroll working rules from April 2021

Posted: 16th Mar 2021 by Robert Salenius Blog

Big changes to the way contractors and those who work with them pay tax and National Insurance are coming this April. From April 2021, large and medium sized companies will need to check the employment status of their contractors where their services are being supplied through an intermediary, (usually a personal service company). You are… Read more

Extension to Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Covid-19 business loan schemes

Posted: 18th Dec 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

It was announced yesterday that the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and Covid-19 business loan schemes would be extended. Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) Businesses adversely affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) can now make use of the CJRS until the 30 April 2021, with the government continuing to pay 80% of employees’ salaries (capped at… Read more

Furlough Enquiries

Posted: 23rd Apr 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

Please note that our Payroll team are currently experiencing a very high volume of enquiries in light of the COVID-19 outbreak and Furlough announcements. If you have an enquiry which relates to furlough and/or payroll, please can we ask that you get in touch with your Client Manager directly, rather than our payroll team. This will ensure that… Read more

Furlough scheme eligiblity date changed to 19 March

Posted: 16th Apr 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

Employees who started new jobs up until 19 March have now been brought into the scope of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and their employers can make a claim for 80% of their wages. The change was revealed in HM Revenue & Customs’ fourth iteration of its furlough scheme guidance, which has been published today (15… Read more

Preparing for changes to the Employment Allowance

Posted: 2nd Apr 2020 by Clare Walker Blog

From April 2020, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are introducing new rules and processes for claiming the employment allowance. What’s changing? Employers who’s secondary (Employer contributions only) National Insurance bill was £100,000 or more in the previous tax year are no longer eligible to claim the employment allowance. Employment allowance is now considered a type of State Aid …. Read more

National Living and National Minimum Wage Update

Posted: 2nd Apr 2020 by Clare Walker Blog

National Living and National Minimum Wage Increases Wage rates for all ages including apprentices will be going up on 1st April 2020. The Government has again accepted in full the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations to ensure a pay increase for the lowest paid workers that exceeds both inflation and average earnings. The rise follows the… Read more

Payroll professionals classed as key workers

Posted: 26th Mar 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

Payroll is a vitally important function within a business and never more so now that the Government has confirmed that it will be paying furloughed workers* up to 80% of their wages through reimbursement via HMRC. During these uncertain times, businesses must know that they can rely on the support of their payroll advisers to… Read more