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Investment Property

Investing in commercial property

Posted: 23rd Jan 2020 by Susan Ruddick Blog

Does your business own or rent commercial property? Or are you considering steps in this direction? If so, it is worth discussing the possibility of ownership via Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPP) or Small Self-Administered Schemes (SSAS). The tax benefits can be significant! A face to face meeting to discuss your own circumstances is the… Read more

Investment property transfer

Posted: 16th Jan 2020 by Robert Salenius Blog

For over 1.5 million Brits, their future financial hopes and aspirations are pinned on holding property they don’t live in and letting out to others. In the 2017/2018 tax year, the average landlord owned between 1-4 properties each. For many landlords, it’s a family affair – they’ll own their property together with their spouse or… Read more

Top tips to get you in shape for 2020

Posted: 11th Dec 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Blog

We know the tax year runs from 6 April 2019 to 5 April 2020, yet effective tax planning needn’t be left until the end of the tax year. Here are some tips to get you ahead. Consider topping up your pension Normally, between you and your employer, you can pay a maximum of £40,000 (or… Read more

Stamp Duty Land Tax – Info for Investment Property Owners

Posted: 1st Mar 2016 by Robert Salenius Blog
Stamp Duty land Tax

The Autumn Statement in December 2015, brought some more bad news for property investors with changes to Stamp Duty Land Tax. Higher rates of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) will be charged on purchases of additional residential properties (above £40,000), such as buy to let properties and second homes, from 1 April 2016. Additional rate… Read more