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Business Builder Forum

Launching Gearing for Growth

Posted: 20th Apr 2022 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

‘Gearing for Growth’ is now the new ‘Business Builder Forum’ It has been a while since we have all seen each other and so, we are pleased to announce that we are re-launching our breakfast club events quarterly from 25 May as ‘Gearing for Growth’ (GFG’s). Hosted by our very own Mark Grewer, these seminars are… Read more

How to get paid on time, every time

Posted: 12th Mar 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions in place and advice from the government with regard to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have taken the decision to cancel our next Business Builder Forum on 8 April. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we will ensure to keep you updated regarding future events, as and when the… Read more

The secret of achieving more with less

Posted: 13th Feb 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

Do you find that there is an imbalance between what you do in your business and the results that you get as a consequence?  Based on the counter-intuitive but widespread fact that 80% of results flow from 20% of causes, we look at The 80/20 Principle, which shows how you can achieve much more with… Read more

7 simple steps to maximise your business success

Posted: 16th Jan 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

If you want to lead your field and maximise your business results, we’ll show you how to get there by adopting the 7 P’s. How? By analysing, and therefore optimising, your business according to each ‘P’ of the marketing mix: Effectively, a streamlined strategy engages and retains your consumers, meets and achieves your goals and… Read more

Good to great

Posted: 25th Nov 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

How does strategic management differ at good-to-great companies versus mediocre ones? What are the things that make a good company suddenly turn into a great company? What makes a leader different? We”ll take a look at some great leaders and discuss how they focused on sustained results, getting results for the company and not for… Read more

6 steps to influence customers to spend more

Posted: 17th Oct 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

Want to know how to make a dramatic difference to your business without any extra customers, any extra marketing, or changes in prices? Acquiring new customers is expensive and time-consuming. In fact, research shows that attracting new customers is 5 times more expensive than keeping your existing customers. One of the best – and easiest… Read more

Motivating your team: how to get the best results

Posted: 19th Sep 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

When you’re running a business, your team is your most important asset and biggest resource. Without them the business could not function so it’s essential that your employees feel encouraged and inspired on a daily basis. In order to achieve great results, you should be constantly thinking about ways you can motivate and inspire your… Read more

The power of branding: how to get your business noticed

Posted: 18th Jul 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

What is a brand identity? Is it your logo? Your colour palette? Your tone of voice? It’s all that—and more!  Ultimately, it is a way to communicate with your audience, differentiate yourself from your competition, and create a brand experience that encourages people to engage with you. In our next Business Builder Forum you’ll learn:… Read more

8 steps to make your business run like clockwork

Posted: 21st Jun 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

If you could be shown a way to work fewer hours in your business and at the same time ensure a consistent level of operations and service… would you be interested? That’s what you’ll gain from coming to our next Business Builder Forum. You’ll learn how to: put your team in charge – motivate by giving… Read more

How to make your business 86% more valuable

Posted: 20th May 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd HGH's News

Business owners said they would pay up to 86% more for a business based on systems rather than one based on luck, so this BBF will be a really valuable session. Why must you systemise your business? What are the key benefits? We’ll show you the steps you need to take to make your business… Read more