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Why choose HGH?


Year End Tax Planning Guide

Posted: 6th Mar 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Investments, Taxation

The run up to the end of the tax year on 5 April 2024 is a good time to make sure that your family and business finances are arranged in the best way possible. The freeze of many tax rates and thresholds continues to increase the government’s tax take, but there are still many useful… Read more

8 Tax Planning Tips To Save You Money

Posted: 19th Mar 2019 by Robert Salenius Inheritance Tax, Pensions, Taxation

1. If your taxable income will be £50,000 or more for the current tax year 2019/209, you might consider paying a pension contribution before the end of the year to reduce your exposure to higher rate tax. 2. If you or your partner receive child benefit and you or your partner has taxable income over… Read more

One Financial Resolution you should always make

Posted: 10th Dec 2017 by Julia O'Connor Succession Planning, Wealth Management
One financial Resolution

  One New Year’s Resolution that should ALWAYS be on your list… Every year when I pack away the Christmas decorations, I ask the family to write their favourite memories of the Christmas we have just celebrated and what their hopes are for the coming year. It is always heart- warming to open up the… Read more

Making a Difference 2017

Posted: 10th Jan 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Business Builder Forum, Charity, Corporate Finance, Event, News, Pensions, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference 2017

Latest News Find out how Hunter Gee Holroyd have been Making a Difference in 2017… Inspirational story? Tick! Important Tax update? Tick! Independent financial advice for peace of mind? Tick! Feel good fundraising? Tick! Further information and dates to help your business to grow? Tick!   Making a Difference 2017 Catch up on the latest… Read more

Brexit – the implications for your finances

Posted: 1st Jul 2016 by Nick Lawson Brexit, Wealth Management
Brexit - implications for finances

Brexit – what implications does this have for your finances? With the Brexit result on 24 June marking the start of the process of the UK extricating itself from the EU you may be thinking about how this is going to affect monies which you are holding either within your pensions or investment portfolios. Market… Read more

Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers

Posted: 18th Apr 2016 by Julia O'Connor Inheritance Tax, Pensions, Wealth Management
Nick Lawson

Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers in the UK On Sunday 10th April the Sunday Times published their first supplement listing the Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers in the UK based on reviews on the independent consumer ratings website We are proud, but not at all surprised, to say that Nick Lawson was featured.   Rated… Read more