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Why choose HGH?


Getting you back on track with the Recovery Loan Scheme

Posted: 14th Oct 2021 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Business Advice General, Cashflow, Coronavirus

The Recovery Loan Scheme is a government loan scheme that allows qualifying businesses to borrow up to £10 million – either as term loans, overdrafts, invoice finance or asset finance. It replaced the now closed Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS). Recovery Loan Scheme with Capitalise Many businesses are eager to get… Read more

Help to grow scheme: how to apply

Posted: 9th Apr 2021 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Business Advice General

As part of the 2021 Budget, the Government announced a £520m “Help to Grow” scheme, to help small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) across the UK. The scheme will provide eligible companies with digital and management support and training to help them innovate and grow. There are two components to the scheme: Help to Grow: Management:… Read more

SME Brexit Support Fund open for applications

Posted: 19th Mar 2021 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Brexit, Business Advice General

The application process for the SME (Small and medium-sized enterprise) Brexit Support Fund is now open. The £20 million SME Brexit Support Fund enables businesses to access practical support, including training for new customs, rules of origin and VAT processes. Small and medium sized businesses that trade solely with the EU – and are therefore new to importing and exporting processes – are… Read more

Making A Difference – News Summer 2017

Posted: 14th Aug 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Making Tax Digital, News, Pensions, Retirement, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference News Summer 2017. Accountancy and Wealth Management News and Updates

  Welcome to our latest edition of Making a Difference What changes have been happening in the last 6 months that may affect your business or personal finances? What’s the latest news from the Hunter Gee Holroyd and HGH Wealth Management teams? Read on to find out!   News Summer 2017 The team at Hunter Gee… Read more

Growth Businesses Seeking Finance – 10 Top Tips

Posted: 29th Mar 2017 by Mark Grewer Business Advice General, Corporate Finance
Growth Businesses Seeking Finance

Growth Businesses Seeking & Finance – Our Top 10 Business advice Tips Here at Hunter Gee Holroyd we offer professional business advice for our clients, from meeting accounting and tax obligations to setting up software and management information systems. What are the main areas for growth businesses to focus on when seeking finance? Small and… Read more

Making a Difference 2017

Posted: 10th Jan 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Business Builder Forum, Charity, Corporate Finance, Event, News, Pensions, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference 2017

Latest News Find out how Hunter Gee Holroyd have been Making a Difference in 2017… Inspirational story? Tick! Important Tax update? Tick! Independent financial advice for peace of mind? Tick! Feel good fundraising? Tick! Further information and dates to help your business to grow? Tick!   Making a Difference 2017 Catch up on the latest… Read more