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Why choose HGH?


Should You Start a Pension for Your Child?

Posted: 15th Jul 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Pensions, Wealth Management

Saving for your child’s retirement might not be your top priority right now, but opening a pension for your child has many benefits for their financial wellbeing and security. The earlier you start, the more time the money has to grow. It also helps in spreading your wealth across generations and supporting your future family…. Read more

Making A Difference – News Summer 2017

Posted: 14th Aug 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Making Tax Digital, News, Pensions, Retirement, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference News Summer 2017. Accountancy and Wealth Management News and Updates

  Welcome to our latest edition of Making a Difference What changes have been happening in the last 6 months that may affect your business or personal finances? What’s the latest news from the Hunter Gee Holroyd and HGH Wealth Management teams? Read on to find out!   News Summer 2017 The team at Hunter Gee… Read more

Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers

Posted: 18th Apr 2016 by Julia O'Connor Inheritance Tax, Pensions, Wealth Management
Nick Lawson

Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers in the UK On Sunday 10th April the Sunday Times published their first supplement listing the Top 250 Independent Financial Advisers in the UK based on reviews on the independent consumer ratings website We are proud, but not at all surprised, to say that Nick Lawson was featured.   Rated… Read more