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A Summary of The Spring Budget 2024

Posted: 30th Apr 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Budget, Pensions, Taxation

Following the Chancellor’s Spring Budget speech last month, we have put together a summary of the most significant announcements to help you understand what the 2024 Budget means for you. His speech promised more investment, more jobs, better public services, and lower tax. National Insurance The Chancellor made further changes to National Insurance Contributions (NICs),… Read more

Making A Difference – News Summer 2017

Posted: 14th Aug 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Making Tax Digital, News, Pensions, Retirement, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference News Summer 2017. Accountancy and Wealth Management News and Updates

  Welcome to our latest edition of Making a Difference What changes have been happening in the last 6 months that may affect your business or personal finances? What’s the latest news from the Hunter Gee Holroyd and HGH Wealth Management teams? Read on to find out!   News Summer 2017 The team at Hunter Gee… Read more

Retirement Planning York

Posted: 16th Jan 2017 by Julia O'Connor Pensions, Retirement, Wealth Management
Retirement in York

Retirement Planning York   What age do you hope to be when you retire? Do you have exciting plans for how you are going to spend your retirement or are you unsure of how you will fill your time? When you retire, you may find yourself with around 2,000 hours to fill each year. Perhaps… Read more

Making a Difference 2017

Posted: 10th Jan 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Business Builder Forum, Charity, Corporate Finance, Event, News, Pensions, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference 2017

Latest News Find out how Hunter Gee Holroyd have been Making a Difference in 2017… Inspirational story? Tick! Important Tax update? Tick! Independent financial advice for peace of mind? Tick! Feel good fundraising? Tick! Further information and dates to help your business to grow? Tick!   Making a Difference 2017 Catch up on the latest… Read more

Could Your Pension be hit by the new Lifetime Allowance?

Posted: 4th Mar 2016 by Nick Lawson Pensions, Wealth Management
Lifetime Allowance

Lifetime Allowance – Will your pension be hit? From April 2016 the government has restricted the tax-breaks on pensions by reducing the ‘Lifetime Allowance’ (LTA). If the combined value of your pensions exceeds this allowance you could face additional tax charges.   Read on to find out: if you are affected how to calculate the… Read more

Pensions Changes – A brief history…

Posted: 9th Feb 2016 by Nick Lawson Pensions

A brief history of the debate to date……. The government wants to make the state pension age 65 for men and women by 2018, and keep raising it after that. It means that some women who were preparing to retire in the next few years will have to wait longer. The campaign group Women Against State Pension Inequality… Read more

Take it or leave it?… Your Pension in Retirement

Posted: 8th Dec 2015 by Susan Ruddick Pensions

Have you considered what you will do with your pension in retirement? If I told you that the last thing you should do when you retire is start spending your pension fund you’d probably think I’d gone completely mad! And with the introduction of ‘Pension Freedom’, why shouldn’t you take advantage of your hard earned… Read more

Pension Planning – What’s not to like about pensions?!

Posted: 29th Sep 2014 by Susan Ruddick Pensions

Pension Planning Update Great news for pension planning! The government is to abolish the 55% pensions death tax charge with effect from April 2015! This means that if a person who dies is 75 or over, beneficiaries will only pay their marginal tax rate on drawdowns from the pension. At the moment the tax charge… Read more