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Take it or leave it?… Your Pension in Retirement

Posted: 8th Dec 2015 by Susan Ruddick Pensions

Have you considered what you will do with your pension in retirement? If I told you that the last thing you should do when you retire is start spending your pension fund you’d probably think I’d gone completely mad! And with the introduction of ‘Pension Freedom’, why shouldn’t you take advantage of your hard earned… Read more

Pension Changes – Thinking of Blowing your Pension on a Yacht?

Posted: 14th Jan 2015 by Nick Lawson Pensions

Pension Changes – “How to blow your pension”. On Monday evening, (12th January 2015)    Channel 4’s Dispatches current affairs programme was entitled “How to blow your pension”.  Michael  Buerk presented the results of various surveys which highlighted that most people who will have greater freedom of access to their pension funds in April this year,… Read more

Pension Planning – What’s not to like about pensions?!

Posted: 29th Sep 2014 by Susan Ruddick Pensions

Pension Planning Update Great news for pension planning! The government is to abolish the 55% pensions death tax charge with effect from April 2015! This means that if a person who dies is 75 or over, beneficiaries will only pay their marginal tax rate on drawdowns from the pension. At the moment the tax charge… Read more