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Why choose HGH?


Getting Payroll Right – Outsourcing

Posted: 25th Jun 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Business Advice General, Payroll

Managing your own payroll can be time consuming and complicated, particularly with the ever-increasing complexity of taxation and employment legislation. There is an increasing burden on businesses to comply with these issues and non-compliance can lead to substantial penalties. In the pursuit of efficiency, accuracy, and compliance, many businesses have turned to outsourcing their payroll… Read more

Automatic Enrolment – Will your Payroll Software be Compatible?

Posted: 7th Mar 2016 by Clare Walker Payroll

Will your Payroll Software be compatible for Automatic Enrolment? To date, Basic PAYE Tools (BPT) users have not had access to software functionality that can help them carry out their automatic enrolment duties. Assessing your workforce and calculating contributions manually could lead to errors and non-compliance. Online Contributions Calculator Available With a large number of… Read more

Compulsory National Living Wage to be introduced in April 2016

Posted: 1st Mar 2016 by Clare Walker Payroll
Personal Savings Allowance

  National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is the minimum pay per hour most workers are entitled to by law. This rate will depend on a worker’s age and if they are an apprentice. Any changes to the rates are normally introduced in October each year.   The… Read more

Supporting you with your Payroll

Posted: 21st Mar 2014 by ascensor Payroll

Tax year end 2013/2014 At the end of the tax year, if you’ve paid any employees, you would normally submit an Employer Annual Return to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This includes each employee’s P14 and a P35 that summarises the total tax and NICs due for the year.  Under Real Time Information (RTI), as… Read more