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Why choose HGH?


Preparing for Making Tax Digital

Posted: 12th Mar 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Cloud Accounting, Making Tax Digital
Treboom Brewery Preparing for Making Tax Digital

Preparing for Making Tax Digital Businesses who are preparing for Making Tax Digital will be ahead of the game from April 2019 when the changes are introduced by HMRC. Making Tax Digital aims to digitise the UK tax system, requiring businesses and relevant individuals to submit quarterly accounting records and tax returns. These records and… Read more

Making Tax Digital for VAT Made Easy

Posted: 6th Feb 2019 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Cloud Accounting, Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is an HMRC initiative that requires VAT-registered businesses above the £85k threshold to keep digital records and submit VAT returns using compatible software such as Xero. If that’s your business, you’ll need to be compliant from 1 April 2019. Xero online accounting software is perfectly positioned to help your business get… Read more

Making Tax Digital – what action do you need to take?

Posted: 24th Sep 2018 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Cloud Accounting, Making Tax Digital
Making Tax Digital: An easy read guide

The following sets out the key information surrounding the introduction of HMRC‘s Making Tax Digital (MTD) Plan. What is MTD? This is HMRC’s plan to digitise the tax system; it will be the biggest change in UK tax for over 20 years. What is HMRC’s aim?      To digitise tax administration in the UK so it… Read more

Making Tax Digital – An Easy guide

Posted: 21st Aug 2018 by Nigel Atkinson Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital: An easy read guide

What is Making Tax Digital (MTD)? Find out in our Making Tax Digital: An easy to read guide Find out more about Making Tax Digital: Making Tax Digital – Frequently Asked Questions Hunter Gee Holroyd Making a Difference Summer 2018  

Hunter Gee Holroyd Making a Difference Summer 2018

Posted: 21st Aug 2018 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Making Tax Digital
Making a Difference Summer 2018

Hunter Gee Holroyd Making a Difference Summer 2018 Find out how Hunter Gee Holroyd and HGH Wealth Management have been Making a Difference Summer 2018. Our latest edition of Making a Difference includes updates on the following: Helping clients to prepare for Making Tax Digital. Read our case studies. Making Tax Easy Seminars: Your questions… Read more

Making Tax Digital – Frequently Asked Questions

Posted: 10th Jul 2018 by Nigel Atkinson Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital Frequently Asked Questions

You may have heard about some major changes happening to the UK tax system – Making Tax Digital. What is it all about and how do you and your business need to prepare for it? What is Making Tax Digital? Making Tax Digital (MTD) is the most significant change HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has… Read more

Making A Difference – News Summer 2017

Posted: 14th Aug 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Making Tax Digital, News, Pensions, Retirement, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference News Summer 2017. Accountancy and Wealth Management News and Updates

  Welcome to our latest edition of Making a Difference What changes have been happening in the last 6 months that may affect your business or personal finances? What’s the latest news from the Hunter Gee Holroyd and HGH Wealth Management teams? Read on to find out!   News Summer 2017 The team at Hunter Gee… Read more

What you need to know about Making Tax Digital

Posted: 19th Jun 2017 by Robert Salenius Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital – What you need to know. The plan to make the UK tax system more effective, efficient and easier is in progress. Three million of the smallest businesses and landlords will be able to move to the new digital system for keeping tax records at a pace that is right for them…. Read more

Making Tax Digital – How will you benefit?

Posted: 24th Jan 2017 by ascensor Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital

The plan to make the UK tax system more effective, efficient and easier is well under way with an update on the Making Tax Digital scheduled implementation date of 2020 expected in January 2017. What benefits should Making Tax Digital bring? Make tax reporting less onerous Give taxpayers a single picture of all tax liabilities… Read more

Making a Difference 2017

Posted: 10th Jan 2017 by Julia O'Connor Business Advice General, Business Builder Forum, Charity, Corporate Finance, Event, News, Pensions, Taxation, Wealth Management
Making a Difference 2017

Latest News Find out how Hunter Gee Holroyd have been Making a Difference in 2017… Inspirational story? Tick! Important Tax update? Tick! Independent financial advice for peace of mind? Tick! Feel good fundraising? Tick! Further information and dates to help your business to grow? Tick!   Making a Difference 2017 Catch up on the latest… Read more