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Making Tax Digital – Frequently Asked Questions

Posted: 10th Jul 2018 by Nigel Atkinson Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital Frequently Asked Questions

You may have heard about some major changes happening to the UK tax system – Making Tax Digital. What is it all about and how do you and your business need to prepare for it? What is Making Tax Digital? Making Tax Digital (MTD) is the most significant change HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has… Read more

What you need to know about Making Tax Digital

Posted: 19th Jun 2017 by Robert Salenius Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital – What you need to know. The plan to make the UK tax system more effective, efficient and easier is in progress. Three million of the smallest businesses and landlords will be able to move to the new digital system for keeping tax records at a pace that is right for them…. Read more