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Payroll Changes for 2018-19

Posted: 4th May 2018 by Clare Walker Payroll, Taxation
Payroll changes for 2018-19

Payroll Changes for 2018-19 What changes affecting your payroll do you need to know about for 2018-19? Legislation Payroll Changes for 2018-19 – An Introduction: Income Tax National Insurance Employment Allowance Termination Payments Student Loans Statutory Payments Minimum Wage Tax-Free Childcare Schemes Automatic Enrolment Income Tax Income Tax allowances The basic personal allowance for the… Read more

Automatic Enrolment – Will your Payroll Software be Compatible?

Posted: 7th Mar 2016 by Clare Walker Payroll

Will your Payroll Software be compatible for Automatic Enrolment? To date, Basic PAYE Tools (BPT) users have not had access to software functionality that can help them carry out their automatic enrolment duties. Assessing your workforce and calculating contributions manually could lead to errors and non-compliance. Online Contributions Calculator Available With a large number of… Read more

Auto Enrolment…who will and who won’t opt in and opt out!

Posted: 30th May 2013 by Susan Ruddick Wealth Management

Auto Enrolment and the employer If you are an EMPLOYER you have no choice but to become involved in Auto Enrolment – its part of the Government’s Workplace Pension Reform, and if you are not yet sure how you are affected or what you need to do, visit    for further assistance and to access… Read more