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Easing of the Lockdown for Businesses

Posted: 11th May 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Business Advice General, Coronavirus

Following the Prime Minister’s address to the nation yesterday evening (Sun 10th May, transcript here) we have received many messages asking our opinion on what that means for their business. We believe that the following must be possible before a business is ready to re-open:

1. If your staff can work from home, they must continue to do so, and subject to (3) below, they should be removed from furlough in the near future.  At the time of writing, the Chancellor has said the furlough scheme will end on 30th June and we are awaiting his next statement where he will set out how he intends it will taper off, possibly only for some businesses.

2. If your staff need to travel to work (eg to a factory or engineering plant) they should return to work if:

  • you can be sure that you have considered their safety in your business premises, considering issues such as social distancing of working and common areas such as canteens or WCs, possible shift changes or staggered working patterns, PPE and hand washing/sanitising facilities, reducing the need to touch surfaces such as wedging doors open and a schedule of deep cleaning.
  • you can be sure that your staff can travel to work safely in their own vehicles, by foot/cycle or on public transport which will allow for social distancing.
  • you can be sure that your staff do not have caring or childcare responsibilities which they cannot meet if they are out of the home, or that they are not in the high-risk category who should be shielding.
  • you can be sure that you are able to serve customers or receive supplies/deliveries on your premises if necessary, whilst taking their safety into account with social distancing.
  • you have communicated their requirement to ensure they are symptom-free before entering the workplace and to self-isolate at home if they or a member of their family shows symptoms (SSP will be paid to them in these instances from day 1 of their quarantine).

3. That you have a strategic plan and a financial projection which includes all your additional costs, your cashflows for making payments and a credit control process for collecting in money which is owed to you and you believe, with an assumption for the level of trade, that you have sufficient cash runway (before you run out of cash or finance facilities) to withstand the reduction in employees for whom you are claiming furlough grants.

More detail is expected from the Prime Minister when he addresses the House of Commons around 3.30pm today, so the advice in this article may change following that.