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Making Tax Digital – An Easy guide

Posted: 21st Aug 2018 by Nigel Atkinson Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital: An easy read guide

What is Making Tax Digital (MTD)? Find out in our Making Tax Digital: An easy to read guide Find out more about Making Tax Digital: Making Tax Digital – Frequently Asked Questions Hunter Gee Holroyd Making a Difference Summer 2018  

Making Tax Digital – Frequently Asked Questions

Posted: 10th Jul 2018 by Nigel Atkinson Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital Frequently Asked Questions

You may have heard about some major changes happening to the UK tax system – Making Tax Digital. What is it all about and how do you and your business need to prepare for it? What is Making Tax Digital? Making Tax Digital (MTD) is the most significant change HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has… Read more

HMRC Tax Refund Emails – How to identify a fake

Posted: 4th Mar 2016 by Nigel Atkinson Taxation

HMRC Tax Refund Emails – How to Identify a Fake One of the Directors has recently received the attached email regarding a Tax Refund from HMRC – would you know it is a fake?     How can you tell the difference between a genuine email from HMRC and a fake? HMRC will never send… Read more