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Succession Planning for your business.

Posted: 11th Dec 2017 by Mark Grewer Retirement, Succession Planning
Succession Planning

  Have you thought about Succession Planning and Exiting your business? There are various points in the year where we look to the future and think about our plans going forward. For older business owners, that may include deciding when to retire, and how many more years to work in your business. We spend many… Read more

Growth Businesses Seeking Finance – 10 Top Tips

Posted: 29th Mar 2017 by Mark Grewer Business Advice General, Corporate Finance
Growth Businesses Seeking Finance

Growth Businesses Seeking & Finance – Our Top 10 Business advice Tips Here at Hunter Gee Holroyd we offer professional business advice for our clients, from meeting accounting and tax obligations to setting up software and management information systems. What are the main areas for growth businesses to focus on when seeking finance? Small and… Read more

Exit Planning for your Business – a New Year’s resolution?

Posted: 14th Dec 2015 by Mark Grewer Business Advice General, Corporate Finance
Exit planning - new year

Does a New Year make you consider exit planning your business? It’s a fact of life (and death) that eventually all of us will have to exit our business one day.  Either in an organised way…or not. So, whilst day to day we may be continually running on that hamster wheel with our heads down,… Read more

Recommended Business Reading

Posted: 21st Aug 2014 by Mark Grewer Uncategorised

Recommended Business Reading I am often asked what books I could recommend for business reading. Over recent years Hunter Gee Holroyd has built up a library of business books for the directors and team to read. The team have read them all and we would like to open the library to our clients and contacts…. Read more