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Why choose HGH?


Should You Start a Pension for Your Child?

Posted: 15th Jul 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Pensions, Wealth Management

Saving for your child’s retirement might not be your top priority right now, but opening a pension for your child has many benefits for their financial wellbeing and security. The earlier you start, the more time the money has to grow. It also helps in spreading your wealth across generations and supporting your future family…. Read more

Meet the Team – Kelsey Butterfield

Posted: 9th Jul 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Life at HGH

Get to know our Senior Manager Kelsey, who has been working in our York office for almost 10 years. Read below to find out about her career at HGH and what she enjoys most. What does your day-to-day role include? As a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor I’m involved in a wide variety of work… Read more

Getting Payroll Right – Outsourcing

Posted: 25th Jun 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Business Advice General, Payroll

Managing your own payroll can be time consuming and complicated, particularly with the ever-increasing complexity of taxation and employment legislation. There is an increasing burden on businesses to comply with these issues and non-compliance can lead to substantial penalties. In the pursuit of efficiency, accuracy, and compliance, many businesses have turned to outsourcing their payroll… Read more

Building towards a Smooth Exit for Owner Managed Businesses

Posted: 10th Jun 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Business Advice General, Corporate Finance, Uncategorised

Is your business landscape going to change with a new Government? The General Election may bring yet more uncertainty for business owners, especially those who are considering when to exit their business and the tax implications of that. So with an aging business owner population and younger business owners not wishing to employ staff but… Read more

Changes to the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC), Should You Now Be Claiming?

Posted: 2nd May 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Child Benefit, Taxation

In this year’s Spring Budget, the Chancellor announced changes to the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC). This measure has increased the adjusted net income threshold for the HICBC from £50,000 to £60,000, from 6th April 2024.  In this blog we will explain a bit about the changes so you can determine how it might… Read more

A Summary of The Spring Budget 2024

Posted: 30th Apr 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Budget, Pensions, Taxation

Following the Chancellor’s Spring Budget speech last month, we have put together a summary of the most significant announcements to help you understand what the 2024 Budget means for you. His speech promised more investment, more jobs, better public services, and lower tax. National Insurance The Chancellor made further changes to National Insurance Contributions (NICs),… Read more

Tax Rate Cards 2024/25

Posted: 5th Apr 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Inheritance Tax, Pensions, Property, Taxation

Hunter Gee Holroyd have produced a Tax Card which summarises many of the rates and allowances fundamental to your business and personal lives. It’s a great point of reference throughout the coming tax year and contains lots of information on personal, business, employment, property and capital taxes, including any changes. . Our guide contains information… Read more

Year End Tax Planning Guide

Posted: 6th Mar 2024 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Investments, Taxation

The run up to the end of the tax year on 5 April 2024 is a good time to make sure that your family and business finances are arranged in the best way possible. The freeze of many tax rates and thresholds continues to increase the government’s tax take, but there are still many useful… Read more

Autumn Statement Highlights

Posted: 28th Nov 2023 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Taxation

Against a backdrop of reducing inflation and greater headroom for spending, the Chancellor announced several tax cuts and boosts to business in his ‘Autumn Statement for Growth’. Headlines Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NICs) will be abolished and the main rate of Class 4 NICs will reduce from 9% to 8% from 6 April 2024…. Read more

Tax Rates Cards 2023-24

Posted: 30th Mar 2023 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Inheritance Tax, Pensions, Property, Taxation

Hunter Gee Holroyd have produced a Tax Card which summarises many of the rates and allowances fundamental to your business and personal lives. It’s a great point of reference throughout the coming tax year and contains lots of information on personal, business, employment, property and capital taxes, including any changes. Our guide contains information on… Read more