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Making Tax Digital – How will you benefit?

Posted: 24th Jan 2017 by ascensor Making Tax Digital, Taxation
Making Tax Digital

The plan to make the UK tax system more effective, efficient and easier is well under way with an update on the Making Tax Digital scheduled implementation date of 2020 expected in January 2017. What benefits should Making Tax Digital bring? Make tax reporting less onerous Give taxpayers a single picture of all tax liabilities… Read more

Our Top 10 Tips to Pension Planning!

Posted: 5th Jan 2017 by ascensor Pensions, Wealth Management
Hands holding golden egg in a birds nest

Top 10 Tips to Pension Planning So you’re considering starting a pension? What do you need to consider and how can you make the most of the options available to you, so you can live the retirement you plan to? Read on for our Top 10 tips to Pension Planning:     It’s never too… Read more

Workplace Pensions – ‘we’re all in’!

Posted: 18th May 2015 by ascensor Pensions

You will probably have heard Nick Hewer advertising Workplace Pensions – ‘we’re all in’. The question is; what is it all about? New legal duties require employers to ‘automatically enrol’ their employees into a pension scheme. Even if you already offer pension arrangements for your employees, you may not have a qualifying scheme in place… Read more

Supporting you with your Payroll

Posted: 21st Mar 2014 by ascensor Payroll

Tax year end 2013/2014 At the end of the tax year, if you’ve paid any employees, you would normally submit an Employer Annual Return to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). This includes each employee’s P14 and a P35 that summarises the total tax and NICs due for the year.  Under Real Time Information (RTI), as… Read more