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Spring Makeover for Easingwold Office!

Posted: 21st Mar 2016 by Julia O'Connor
Spring Makeover for Easingwold Office

Easingwold Office Redecoration

The Hunter Gee Holroyd Easingwold Office is having a spring makeover!

The office will be closed for redecoration from Monday 21 March and is scheduled to reopen at 8am on Tuesday 29 March 2016.

Nigel, Sharon and Sally will be working in the York office during the redecoration. Paul has taken the opportunity to enjoy a week’s holiday.

How to contact us

During the redecoration the Easingwold office phone will be redirected to the York office. If you have any queries you can contact us by using the Easingwold number: 01347 823569 as usual or by calling the York Office direct on 01904 655202.

All email addresses will be working as usual or you can email:

We apologise for any inconvenience this temporary closure of the office may cause. We look forward to welcoming you in our refreshed office shortly!



Image courtesy of Mister GC at