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Life After Lockdown: Cashflow Planning for the Future

Posted: 23rd Jun 2020 by Hunter Gee Holroyd Cashflow, Coronavirus

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have been understandably focused on stabilising cash-flow. As restrictions start to be eased, businesses will begin to look to the future and plan for recovery. In order to effectively prepare, it is important for businesses to consider their cash-flow planning for the future.

Our webinar, hosted by Mark Grewer, Director at Hunter Gee Holroyd,  offers insight into the factors that will immediately affect businesses as the UK comes out of lockdown.

Topics include:

  • cash flow forecasting and why it is important
  • how to approach cashflow forecasting (including running through a worked example and taking into account additional COVID-19 costs and considerations)
  • and post-lockdown plans (including how you will work and respond to changes)

Mark also touches on various funding options available: the COVID-19 government funding schemes, the typical contents of a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) application, and other funding options worth considering outside of the government initiatives.