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Why choose HGH?

A question of Trust?…talk to our qualified expert!

Posted: 15th Jul 2015 by Susan Ruddick

Caring for your assets and looking after your financial affairs is a tricky business even when you are alive, especially if ownership is shared with other people. When we start to think about what will happen to our estate when we die and who we want to benefit from any of our wealth that remains after we have gone, things can get even more complicated and the last thing most of us want as we get older, is more things to worry about! This is where Trusts can help.

Estate Planning is important and if done properly, can make sure all your wishes are followed and tax is kept to a minimum, bringing you peace of mind and freedom to enjoy life to the full!  Trusts can have a very special role to play in helping you achieve your objectives but many people fear getting involved with them, assuming it is all far too complicated and costly, or that their situation is not one in which Trusts can help.  It is true, there are many different types of Trust and choosing the right one is essential. Talking to experts such as your solicitor, accountant or financial adviser – and in many cases all three – is the right way to go!

At HGH Wealth Management Ltd we recognise the importance of providing accurate, up to date, appropriate advice. We are pleased to announce that our own Financial Adviser, Nick Lawson, has successfully undertaken an intensive course of study and achieved the STEP The Society Of Trust and Estate Practitioners Certificate for Financial Services (Trusts and Estate Planning).  This means that he can offer the very best advice when dealing with issues of Trusts and estate planning for clients of Hunter Gee Holroyd and HGH Wealth Management Ltd.

So contact us to pick his brains and find out if a Trust based solution to your concerns could be right for you – no charge for asking!


01904 655202 or call Nick on his mobile – 07808627983.