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Why choose HGH?

Business Factsheets

Accounts Made Easy

Information is the key to understanding the successes and failures of your business and the key to making appropriate business decisions to avoid future failures and capitalise on successes.

Getting Paid

When you keep your side of the bargain with a customer, it is only fair that they should keep theirs by paying you... and paying you on time. Sadly, as everyone in business knows, this doesn't always happen.

Glossary of Business Terms

Understand those complicated business terms.

VAT: Zero Rated & Exempt Supplies

A list of zero rated and exempt supplies for VAT

Your 24 Hour Action Plan for Getting Where you Want to go

This guide sets out exactly what you need to do to start getting where you want to go in business and in life.

How to Add Value to Your Service

Becoming better value ie increasing value by cutting prices - or, more accurately, by reducing your perceived prices by more than you reduce your perceived benefits.

How to Make Yours the Most Profitable Business Card in Town

For years and years highly paid business gurus have been coming over from the USA telling us that our single most important marketing tools - our business cards - are, to put it politely, rubbish. You've probably been at one of their seminars when they ask everyone to hold up a business card… and then proceed to tell you why they are all pathetic. And, even more annoyingly, they were probably right!

The Value of a Business & the Difference Systems can Make

Just follow the instructions to realise the true value of systems.

How to Cut Your Costs

Almost every business goes through the annual ritual of budgeting for, or forecasting, its sales and expenses over the next year. Unfortunately this ritual often misses a golden opportunity. Used properly, budgets are not only useful for monitoring performance, they can actually help to reduce costs.

How to decide which non-core activities to outsource

Find out how to decide which core activities you should outsource

How to Get Your Bank to Say Yes!

Practical advice to help you get the money you need to run your business

Planning to Step Down From Your Business

Experience shows that the sooner you start planning for the day you are eventually going to step down from your business, the easier and more rewarding your departure will be. Through our work with hundreds of successful businesses we have discovered that answering these seven questions is an excellent way to kick-start the process of planning for a smooth and profitable exit.

How to Handle & Overcome Price Objections

The right ways to deal with price queries.

How to Promote Your Business for Pennies

There are many clever technical definitions of PR - but in essence it is the art of publicising your business at little or no financial cost. How? By harnessing the fact that newspapers and magazines need to fill their column inches with news as well as advertising.

Risk Assessment Calculator

How to evaluate risk in your business.

How to Carry Out a SWOT Analysis

How to ask the right questions in your SWOT analysis.

Unique Selling Proposition Generator

To be truly successful a business needs at least one Unique Selling Propositions ("USP"). It also needs to do everything possible to make sure that its USPs are recognised and understood by its customers.

Small Business Success

The Top 10 Reasons Why Small Businesses Fail (according to Michael Gerber)